DP viva

In Armed Forces Interview is a vital examination to judge a candidate.

Candidates uniform, out look, clean shave with trimmed hair (male), formal dress up, polished shoes add positive marks.
Language skill including gesture & posture, eye contact, the tone of voice, willingness to serve, emotional maturity & I Q are the main factors.
General knowledge on current affairs, academic knowledge are also judged.
Manners and ettiquetttes, environmental background also play a good role.



Formal dress-up with the polished shoe, trimmed hair with the clean shave (male), a matched tie & belt will make you a gentleman. Manners & customs with tell your family background and aristocracy. You will never feel such confidence if you go to the board like this.



Your communication skill with tone of voice, choice of words, gesture, posture, eye contacts will make an extra impression on you.

knowledge on different types of general knowledge and academic questions will prove your efficiency to be an officer.



Mental ability, maturity, emotional balance and Intelligence will make you confident.

Your public speaking skill with the practical knowledge, problem-solving capability with situational management techniques will make you confident which you were never before.